

  • Monday, 4 March 2019

    Guidelines for Pensioners

    Change of PDA

    Change of PDA

    If you want to get your pension account transferred to any other PDA/bank, apply to your present PDA. PCDA (P), Allahabad has no role to play in this regard except in case of transfer outside India. To change the PDA please submit an application to your current PDA. The application form for change of PDA is available on this Website. Form for change of Pension Disbursing Agencies.

    Grievance Redressal Procedures-PCDA

    Grievance Redressal Procedures

    Types of Complaints

    Methods for Redressal

    Through the PGO

    Through Pension Adalats

    Through this Website


    List of Contact details of Office Incharge sections


    Visit PCDA(P) Allahabad

    Write to Us

    Write to Director(Pensions), Min. of Defence

    Types of Complaints

    There are broadly two types of complaints.

    a) Relating to grant/revision : For redressal of their grievances relating to pension sanction/revision, individual should first approach his Head of Office/ Record Office from where he retired/discharged , as the claims are initiated by them to the office of the PCDA (P).

    Except in the case of Commissioned Officers whose PPOs are sent by PCDA (P) direct to PDAs and they can write to Grant- I Military section.

    In case of Air Force Officers and personnel discharged on or after 1.11.85, complaints/grievances may be addressed to DCDA (AF), Subroto Park, Delhi Cantt. as they are the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authorities.

    In case of Naval officers/ personnel discharged on or after 1.11.85 the complaints may be addressed to CDA (Navy),No. 1, Cooperage Road, Mumbai-400039 email-id as they are the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authorities.

    In case it is informed by your Head of Office/ Record Office that your pension case is pending with Pr. CDA (P), Allahabad, then please quote letter No. and date under which claim has been sent to this office and also quote your original PPO number in case the complaint relates to revision or issue of corrigendum PPO.

    b) Complaint relating to payment of pension. In your complaints relating to payment, the following channels may be utilised :

    In case the pension is being drawn fromAgency for complaintTreasury/PAODirector of Treasury of that State/Treasury OfficerPublic Sector BankRegional Office of PSB concerned/Manager of the bank branchDPDO (Please also see details under the Pension Disbursing Agencies list )CDA (PD) Meerut for Northern DPDOs or CDA -Chennai for four southern DPDOs or to Audit section of PCDA(P) Draupadi Ghat Allahabad

    Through the PGO

    a) Public Grievances Officer in the Office of the Pr.CDA(P) Allahabad). The address of PGO is as under:

    Shri Sandeep Thakur, IDAS, Addl. CDA(P) 
    Public Grievances Officer (PGO)
    Office of the Pr. CDA (Pensions),
    Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad - 211014
    Phone No.(PBX)- 0532 2622618, 2622698, 
    Direct phone no.- 2421865

    Through Pension Adalats

    Every year, Pr. CDA(P), CDA(PD) Meerut and CDA Chennai hold 4 Defence Pension Adalats in different parts of the country and wide publicity is given for the same in News papers etc.The month and place of the next Adalat will also be displayed under 'What's new' on this Web Site. Any grievance in respect of pension sanction/payment, received by the Pension Adalat Officer is settled in a time bound manner and the pensioner is informed. The pensioner can send his grievances to the nominated , Defence Pension Adalat Officer, Office of the Pr. CDA(P), Allahabad - 211014., if the Adalat is to be conducted by PCDA(P) Allahabad.

    All the information relating to the date and venue of the Pension Adalat in the near future will be provided on this Website.

    Through this Website

    You can lodge a complaint through this Website. Please click the heading 'Lodge a complaint' on this Website and you will find the form for lodging a complaint. Please fill in all the information mentioned in that format to enable us to reach you soon with a solution to your problems.


    a) You can also ring us up and tell us the problem. The sections dealing with different types of pensions/work are given in a tabular form under the heading 'Organisation Chart' on this Website. You can identify the section and talk to the officer in-charge concerned. Our PBX numbers are :

    S.NOfficer NameGroup ChargesContact No.1.Shri Sandeep Thakur, Addl. CDAAccounts, Audit, e-audit follow up. Post Audit, CH, Complaint Cell, G-1/Civil, Sangam Cell, EDP(M/S), G-1/ Military


    2.Shri Sushil Kumar Singh, Addl.CDAGrants Coord, Grants Tech, Grants-3, Grants-4, Old Records, Gts. PBOR Rev., Gts. PPO and Centralized Pension and Disbursement System (CPDS)


    3.Shri Rajeev Ranjan Kumar, Jt.CDAAN, AN/Pay, Cash, Records, D-Section, CSD, DARC, Wet Canteen, Pension Adalat Cell, Legal Cell


    4.Shri Himanshu Tripathi, ACDAEDP Centre, Pension Call Centre, Hindi Cell, O&M Cell, Inspection Cell, Comprehensive Pension Package (CPP), RTI Cell


    List of Contact details of Office Incharge sections

    Click here to view Contact details of Office Incharge


    E-Mail address : cda[dash]albd[at]nic[dot]in

    Visit PCDA(P) Allahabad

    If you are planning to visit the Office of the PCDA (P) Allahabad, please do check the information given under'Visit Allahabad' on this Website. Once you reach PCDA (P) Allahabad, report at the Reception to get yourself guided to the concerned section

    Write to Us

    Please do write to us your grievances on the format given below. Our Postal Address is :

    Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pensions)

    Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad 211014.

    The following information is necessary for linking of your case. You can download this form and write to us .


    (Lodge complaint Online)

    Write to Director (Pensions), Ministry of Defence

    For your grievance you may please write to

    Director(Pensions), Ministry of Defence, New Delhi

    Phone no. (011)23015609

    Commutation of Pension

    An officer is entitled to commute for a lump sum payment a fraction not exceeding 50% of his/her pension which is sanctioned for life.

    Commutation of pension if applied after one year of retirement/invalidment is to be submitted through pension disbursing authority. In such cases, commutation is to be done after medical examination only.

    Calculation of Commuted value of Pension

    The commutation of pension is calculated as under:-

    Portion of monthly pension to be commuted x 12 x purchase value applicable to the age next birthday.

    Note : The table of commutation of pension is given in MOD letter No. 17(4)/2008(2)/D(Pen/Pol) dt 12.11.2008.

    Restoration of Commutation portion of Pension

    The pensioners who have commuted a portion of their pension and on 1.4.1985 or thereafter have completed 15 years or will complete from the respective dates of retirement or from the date on which reduction in pension on account of commutation becomes effective will have their commuted portion restored.

    Restoration of Commuted Portion of Pension in case of Absorption

    The officers who had drawn lump-sum payment on absorption and have become entitled to restoration of 43% commuted portion of pension shall, apart from payment of revised restored amount of 43% commuted portion of pension, be also entitled to dearness relief on notionally revised full pension from the date of restoration. However, the officers who have opted for lump sum commuted value of their total pro-rata pension may get their pension restored to the extent of 43% after 15 years.

    Monetary Allownaces Attached to Gallantry Awards.

    The scheme of Gallantry Awards for Armed forces Personnel can be broadly divided into two categories i.e. Pre-Independence Gallantry Awards and Post-Independence Gallantry Awards. The Pre-Independence Gallantry Awards include Indian order of Merit, Military Cross, etc After independence different series of Gallantry Awards were introduced. The Vir Chakra series of awards are given for acts of conspicuous bravery/gallantry in the presence of the enemy and the Ashok Chakra series for bravery other than in the face of the enemy.

    These awards carry a monetary allowance with them which is payable for two lives.

    Rates of Monetary Allowance Attached to Gallantary Decorations (Post Independence)

    Authority : GOI, mod LETTER nO. 7(62)/2014-D(AG) dated 04-12-2017 circulated vide this office Important Circular No. 30 dated 22.12.2017 

    SNGallantry AwardsExisting rate of Monetary Allowance (Rs./Month)Revised rate of Monetary Allowance (Rs./Month)(i)Param Vir ChakraRs. 10,000/- p.m.Rs. 20,000/-p.m(ii)Ashok ChakraRs. 6,000/- p.m.Rs. 12,000/- p.m.(iii)Mahavir ChakraRs. 5,000/- p.m.Rs. 10,000/- p.m.(iv)Kriti ChakraRs. 4,500/- p.m.Rs. 9,000/- p.m.(v)Vir ChakraRs. 3,500/- p.m.Rs. 7,000/- p.m.(vi)Shaurya ChakraRs. 3,000/- p.m.Rs. 6,000/- p.m.(vii)Sena MedalRs. 1,000/- p.m.Rs. 2,000/- p.m.
    Note 1. The award at the above rates is applicable w.e.f. 01-08-2017. 

    Note 2. The Monetary allowance will not be taken into account for computing dearness relief. 

    Monetary Allowance attached to the Pre-Independence Gallantry Awards

    Authority : GOI, mod LETTER nO. 7(62)/2014-D(AG) dated 04-12-2017 circulated vide this office Important Circular No. 30 dated 22.12.2017. 

    Existing Rate for all rankRevised Rate for all rank(a)Distinguish Service OrderRs.4000/- p.m.Rs.8000/- p.m.Each BarRs.4000/- p.m. (b)Indian Order of MeritRs.4000/- p.m.Rs.8000/- p.m.Each BarRs.4000/- p.m. (c)Indian Distinguished Service MedalRs.4000/- p.m.Rs.8000/- p.m.Each BarRs.4000/- p.m..(d)Distinguished Service CrossRs.2800/- p.m.Rs.6000/- p.m.Each BarRs.2800/- p.m..(e)Military CrossRs.2800/- p.m.Rs.6000/- p.m.Each BarRs.2800/- p.m. (f)Distinguished Flying CrossRs.2800/- p.m.Rs.6000/- p.m.Each BarRs.2800/- p.m. (g)Distinguish Service MedalRs.2800/- p.m.Rs.6000/- p.m.Each BarRs.2800/- p.m. (h)Military MedalRs.2800/- p.m.Rs.6000/- p.m.Each BarRs.2800/- p.m. (i)Distinguished Flying MedalRs.2800/- p.m.Rs.6000/- p.m.Each BarRs.2800/- p.m. 

    Lump-sum Monetary Awards to Nepalese Gorkhas receipient of Indian Gallantry Decorations

    Gorkhas of Nepalese domicile who are awarded the gallantry decoration will get special lump sum monetary awards w.e.f. 1.8.2003 as per the scale given below:

    Gallantry DecorationAmount of lump sump (in Rs.)Param Vir Chakra1,50,000Ashok Chakra1,25,000Mahavir Chakra1,00,000Kriti Chakra75,000Vir Chakra50,000Shaurya Chakra40,000Sena Medal20,000

    Invalid Pension

    Invalid Pension

    When on officer is invalided out of service on account of a disability which is neither attributable to nor aggravated by military service, he will be entitled to invalid pension, if service actually rendered is 10 years or more and invalid gratuity, if it is less than 10 years.

    The amount of invalid pension will be equal to the service element of disability pension that would have been admissible in case the causes were attributable to or aggravated by military service. Ranks for assessment of qualifying service reckonable towards invalid pension will be the same as for assessment of retiring pension.

    The invalid pension will be subject to the minimum of Rs. 3500/-PM w.e.f 1-1-06.

    Invalid Gratuity

    The amount of Invalid Gratuity shall be calculated at half a month's Reckonable Emoluments i.e. pay in pay band, grade pay, Military service pay, NPA, if any, last drawn and dearness allowance, for each completed six monthly, period of qualifying service. The Maximum limit of Invalid Gratuity is Rs. 10 lac.

    Liberalised Family Pension

    Liberalised Family Pension

    In case of an officer under the circumstances mentioned in category ‘D’ or ‘E’ eligible members of the family shall be entitled to liberalised family pension equal to Reckonable emoluments last drawn.

    Reckonable emoluments includes pay in pay band, grade pay, MSP and NPA, if any, last drawn.

    Liberalised Family Pension shall be granted to the widow until death or disqualification. If the officer is not survived by the widow but is survived by child/ children only, all children together shall be eligible for Liberalised Family Pension at the rate equal to Special Family Pension. Liberalised Family Pension shall be payable to child/ children for the period during which they would have been eligible as in the case of Special Family Pension. It shall be paid to the senior most eligible child at a time. On his/her death/ disqualification, it will pass on to the next eligible child.

    Liberalised Family Pension on Re-marriage of Widow.

    (i) If widow has children

    (a) If she continues to support children after re-marriage

    (b) If she does not support children after re-marriage


    Full Liberised Family Pension continue to widow

    Ordinary family pension equal to 30% to widow

    Special Family Pension @ 60% to eligible children.

    (ii) If widow has no children

    Full Liberalised Family Pension to continue to widow

    Ordinary Family Pension

    Ordinary Family Pension

    Ordinary family pension is payable to the widow and children of the officer who died/die while in service or after retirement with a retiring/disability/invalid/ special pension on account of causes which are neither attributable to nor aggravated by service.

    Elegible Members of Family for Ordinary Family Pension

    Wife lawfully married before or after retirement

    A judicially separated wife

    Son below the age of 25 years and unmarried daughter (including those illegitimate and adopted legally before or after retirement) or till the date of earning livelihood whichever is earlier.

    Widowed/ divorced daughter upto the date of re-marriage and until the earning is not more than Rs. 3500/- + DR p.m. whichever is earlier.

    Parents wholly dependant when officer has not left behind a widow/ widower, eligible son or daughter or a widowed/ divorced daughter and the earning of the parent is not more than Rs. 3500/- + DR p.m. The beneficiary is required to furnish income certificate by themselves. The family pension to parents will be admissible with effect from 1.1.1998 but will cover cases where death occurred even prior to 1.1.1998)

    In case of parents, the mother will receive the pension first. In addition to above, the following members are also eligible for ordinary family pension:-

    Handicapped children- son or daughter suffering from any disorder of disability of mind or physically crippled or disabled so as to render him unable to earn a living even after attaining the age of 25 years.

    Post retiral spouses-

    Children born out of void or voidable marriage

    Children born from divorced wife where conception took place before divorce.

    For the purpose of grant of family pension, the Family has been categorized as under vide GOI, MOD letter No. 17(4)/2008(2)/D(Pen/Pol) dt 12-11-2008.


    Widow or widower, up to the date of death or re-marriage whichever is earlier;

    Son / daughter (including widowed daughter), up to the date of his / her marriage / re-marriage or till the date she starts earining or up to the date of death, whichever is earlier.


    Unmarried / widowed / Divorced daughter not covered by Category I above up to the date of marriage / re-marriage or till the date she starts earining or up to the death of death, whichever is earlier.

    Parents who were wholly dependent on the Armed Forces personnel when he / she was alive provided the deceased personnel had left behing neither a widow nor a child.

    Family Pension to dependent parents, unmarried / divorced / widowed daughter will continue till the date of death.

    Ordinary Family Pension in case of Missing Personnel Pensioners

    Ordinary family pension in such cases is admissible to the eligible member of the family from the date of lodging FIR six months after the date of lodging FIR or expiry of leave of the officer who has disappeared, whichever is later.

    Rates of Ordinary Family Pension

    Normal Rate – The ordinary family pension at normal rate shall be calculated @ 30% of reckonable emoluments last drawn subject to a minimum of Rs. 3500/- p.m. and a maximum of 30% of the highest pay.

    Enhanced Rate - Where on officer dies while in service or after retirement with pension having rendered not less than 7 years continuous qualifying service, the enhanced rate is payable as under.

    Death in service :- The enhanced rate of ordinary family pension is payble for a period of ten years, without any upper age limit from the date following the death of the personnel, to the family of personnel who dies in service.

    Death after retirement :-E.R is admissible for 7 years from the date of death of officer or upto the date he would have attained the age of 67 years which ever is earlier in case of officer's death after retirement. The amount of enhanced rate whall be the lowest of the following amounts:

    50% of the reckonable emoluments

    amount of retiring/ invalid/ service element of disability pension

    For this purpose, reckonable emoluments comprises of pay in pay band including grade pay, Military service pay and NPA, if any, last drawn.

    War Injury Pension

    Elements of War Injury Pension

    War Injury Pension consists of the following two elements

    Service Element

    War Injury Element

    Types of War Injury Pension

    War Injury Pension on invalidment

    War Injury Pension after discharge/retirement on retention in service

    War Injury Pension on Invalidment

    Where an officer is invalided out of service on account of disability sustained under circumstances mentioned in category “E” , he shall be entitled to War Iinjury Pension consisting of Service Element and War Injury Element as follows :-

    (i)  Equal to Retiring Pension determined as per Para 6 of Military letter No. 17(4)/2008(2)/D(Pen/Pol) dt 12/11/2008 subect to Min. of Rs. 3500/-PM. There shall be no condition of minimum qualifying servie for earining this element.

    (ii)  equal to reckonable emoluments last drawn for 100% disablement. For lower percentage of disablement, war injury element shall be reducedpropotionality. The cap on War injury pension w.r.t. emoluments last drawn in case or disabled pensioners belonging to category E has been removed w.e.f 1-07-2009.

    War Injury Pension on Retention in Service

    An officer who is retained in service despite the disability due to war injury sustained under circumstances mentioned in category ‘E’ and retire subsequently shall have on option as follows.

    (a) to draw lump sum compensation in lieu of war injury element foregoing war injury element at the time of subsequent retirement.


    (b) to draw war injury element at the time of retirement in addition to retiring pension admissible on retirement, foregoing lump sum compensation.

    The rate of war injury element for 100% disability on retirment / discharge from service shall be 30% of emolument last drawn subject to minimum of Rs. 3510/- PM for 100% disability. for disability less than 100% pension shall be reduced proportionally.

    Lump-Sum Compensation in lieu of War Injury Pension

    In case an officer is found to have a disability which is sustained under the circumstances mentioned in category E of Disability which is assessed at 20% or more for life but the officer is retained in service despite such disability and opts for lump sum compensation, he shall be paid the lump sum compensation in lieu of war injury element.

    The rate of war injury element for 100% disability on retirement / discharge from service shall be 30% of emolument last drawn subject to minimum of Rs. 3510/- PM for 100% disability. For disability due to war injury less than 100%, the rates shall be proportionately reduced.

    The one time compensation in lump sum in lieu of war injury element will be equal to the capitalized value of war injury element.

    Age next birth day will be reckoned with reference to the date of onset of disability with loading to age, if any, recommended by the Competent Medical Board.

    Once the compensation in lieu of war injury element due to disability for life has been paid, there shall be no further entitlement on account of such a disability at the time of retirement form Armed Forces. Since this is one time payment of compensation, no restoration will be permitted.

    War Injury Element on Subsequent Reitrement

    Where an officer is retained in service despite injury/disability sustained under the circumstances mentioned in Category ‘E’ and does not opt for lump sum compensation in lieu of war injury, he shall be entitled to the payment of war injury element on a monthly basis at the rate prescribed in above Para above on subsequent retirement.

    For disabilities less than 100 %, the above rate shall be proportionately reduced. No war injury shall be payable for disabilities less than 20 %.

    Disability Pension

    Conditions Of GrantA claim for disability pension arises only if an individual is invalided out of service on account of disability which is accepted as attributable to or aggravated by his military service.

    Individuals placed in low medical category permanently and discharged as no alternative employment in their trade/category suitable to their low medical category could be provided or unwilling to accept the alternative employment or retained in alternative appointment and subsequently discharged before completion of their engagement shall be deemed to have been invalided out from service for the purpose of the Entitlement Rules.

    All PBOR are required to be medically examined by medical officer prior to their release/ retirement / discharge.

    Service Gratuity

    The minimum period of qualifying service for earning service gratuity is 5 years ( without weightage).

    The service gratuity is admissible at the rate of 1/2 a month's reckonable emoluments (Pay, plus Grade pay plus MSP plus 'X' group pay, including classification allowance, if any and DA admissible on the date of discharge) for each completed six monthly period of actual qualifying service rendered.

    On Dismissal :-

    An individual dismissed from service under the Army Act is ineligible for pension / gratuity in respect of his previous service. However in exceptional cases, he may at the discretion of the President, be granted service pension or gratuity at a rate not exceeding that for which he would have normally qualified.

    Individuals removed from service under section 20 of the Army Act may also be considered for grant of pension/ gratuity by the competent authority i.e. Government of India subject to the reduction in amount of pension/ gratuity if considered necessary on the merits of each case.

    Retirement Gratuity

    An individual who has completed 5 years qualifying service and is eligible for service/invalid gratuity or pension of any type, shall be granted Retirement Gratuity equal to 1/4 of reckonable emoluments (Pay, plus DP including classification allowance if any, plus dearness relief on the date of discharge/invalidment) subject to maximum of 16� times of the reckonable emoluments restricted to Rs. 10 Lakhs.

    Death Gratuity

    Death gratuity at the following rates is admissible in the event of death in harness: -S.NLength of Qualifying ServiceRate of Death Gratuity(1)Less than one yearTwo times of reckonable emoluments.(2)One year or more but less than 5 yearsSix times of reckonable emoluments.(3)Five yrs or more but less than 20 yrsTwelve times of reckonable emoluments(4)20 years or moreHalf of the reckonable emoluments for each completed six monthly period of qualifying service subject to a min. of 12 times and a maximum of 33 times of the reckonable emoluments with a overriding ceiling of Rs. 10 lakhs.


    Interest Subsidy on Home Loan to ESM

    Upto Maximum Rs 1.00 Lakh To War Widow/war Bereaved/war Disabled And Attributable Peace Time Casualties(all Ranks)


    KSB reimburses interest by way of subsidy on loan from banks for construction of house to War Bereaved, War Disabled and Attributable Peace time casualties. This scheme was started before 1991 with upper limit of Rs 70,000/- for eligibility of the grant of interest subsidy, even though the loan taken might be of a higher amount. 50% of the interest charged by the banks or Govt/Public Sector including LIC,GIC and HUDCO would be reimbursable as interest subsidy. This was revised in May 1991 with the upper limit of Rs 1,00,000/-.


    The aim of this grant is to provide a small measure of relief to war bereaved, war disabled and attributable peace time casualties(all ranks).

    Financial Assistance

    Reimbursement of interest on loan taken from banks for construction of house to War Bereaved, War Disabled and Attributable Peace time casualties is provided out of AFFD Fund. The upper existing limit of Rs 1,00,000/- for eligibility of the interest subsidy, even though the loan taken may be of a higher amount . 50% of the interest charged by the banks or Govt/Public Sector including LIC, GIC and HUDCO would be reimbursable as interest subsidy.

    Eligibility Conditions

    The following criteria must be fulfilled:-

    (a) This facility is applicable for War Bereaved, War Disabled and Attributable Peacetime casualties only.
    (b) Interest subsidy is admissible up to maximum loan of Rs 1,00,000/- only even though the loan taken may be of a higher amount.
    (c) Subsidy will be paid up to a maximum period of five years or the date of final repayment of loan whichever is earlier.
    (d) 50% of the interest charged by bank or Govt/public sector including LIC,GIC,HUDCO would be reimbursable as interest subsidy.
    (e) The interest subsidy would be payable half yearly direct to the applicant.


    Application should be made with recommendation of the concerned Zilla Sainik Board with the following information/documents:-

    (a) Certificates from the concerned banker or reputed organizations in Govt/PSUs including LIC,GIC and HUDCO are as follows:-
    (i) A certificate to the effect that there would be no change in the schedule of repayment.
    (ii) A statement showing the amount of interest actually paid for the period covered under the claim.
    (iii) A certificate to the effect that repayment of loan along with interest was regular.
    (b) A copy of Ex-Servicemen Identity Card duly attested.
    (c) A copy of Discharge Book duly attested.

    Processing at KSB Sectt.

    On receipt at KSB Sectt, the Account Section-in-Charge will assign the application to a designated clerk who will enter desired data from the applications in to computer. Another clerk will be designated to check correctness of the entries. The Section-in-Charge will verify the same and put up the case in relevant file for processing to JD(Account) who will obtain approval of Secretary, KSB.

    Payment Procedure

    After approval of Secretary, KSB, the application will be processed for payment by the Account Section. After verifying the ESM's service number, name, banker's IFS Code and bank account number, etc, the Account Section will issue payment instructions to the Accounts Section for payment to concerned ESM via ECS for procurement of toolkit.

    Download Forms

    Annexure 1


    Financial assistance for Funeral of ESM

    The Armed Forces personnel, by virtue of isolation imposed by the service conditions, generally remain cut off from society. The meager terminal benefits received on his retirement mostly are spent in acquiring a house. In such a case, worsened by uncooperative attitude of most agencies, they find it difficult to start off into a second career. Without a stable source of income, burdened with usual social and family responsibilities, when they become old age, most of ESM land up in a state of poverty. In the extreme cases, a widow of ESM borrows money for his last rites. To mitigate such a situation, a scheme for grant of money to a widow for funeral of her ESM husband was introduced. This scheme to provide financial assistance to widows of ESM was started in May 2007 with an amount of Rs 5,000/-.


    The aim of this aid gratis is to provide financial assistance to a widow for the last rites of her ESM husband.

    Financial Assistance

    For funeral out of AFFDF is provided as onetime of Rs.5000/-.

    Eligibility Conditions

    The following criteria must be fulfilled:-

    (a) Applicant must be widow of an ESM.
    (b) Should be of rank Havildar & below.
    (c) Should be recommended by respective ZSB.
    (d) Should not have taken money from ADLRS (Army/Navy/AF) for the funeral.


    Application should be made on the prescribed application format with recommendation of the Zila Sainik Welfare Officer (ZSWO) on it. A specimen application form is placed at Annexure 1. Copies of the following documents duly attested by the concerned ZSWO must accompany the application:-

    (a) Complete Service Discharge Certificate/Book.
    (b) Death Certificate issued by the Competent Authority.
    (c) Widow I-Card issued by concerned ZSB.
    (d) A certificate from widow stating that she has not availed ADLRS assistance.
    (e) Details of Bank A/c No (in PNB/SBI only) and IFS Code.

    Channel of Application

    The application must be submitted by an eligible widow at her respective ZSB at the earliest. The ZSWO will scrutinize the application and if found correct in all respects, will forward it (hard copy as well as soft copies) along with other applications on a monthly basis, direct to KSB Sectt for payment. Old cases will not be entertained.

    Processing at KSB Sectt.

    On receipt in the Welfare Section, these applications will be filed in order of receipt. The Section-in-Charge will assign this file to a particular clerk who will enter the desired data from the applications onto the computer. Another clerk will be designated to check correctness of the entries. The Section-in-Charge will verify the same and put up the printed list to JD(Welfare) for approval. Such applications pertaining to payment from AFFDF will be processed for approval of competent authority.

    Payment Procedure

    After approval of the Competent Authority, the approved list of applicants will be processed for payment by Welfare Section. After verifying the ESM's service number, name, bankers IFS Code and account number, the Welfare Section will forward the payment instructions to the Accounts Section, who will make the payments directly via ECS or by an account payee cheque.

    Download Forms

    Annexure 1


    Financial assistance for repair of house damaged in natural calamity

    Because of limited financial resources available to an ESM or their widow or orphan, it is very difficult for them to repair their house when ravaged by natural calamity. In cases of wide spread natural calamities, State and Central Govts step in and provide financial assistance for rehabilitation and rebuilding. However, in case of the localized events like damage due to isolated landslide, such aid may not be forthcoming or timely. In order to provide some financial assistance for repair of house, a grant is provided by the KSB Sectt to eligible orphan daughter of all ranks and 100% disabled ESM/ widow. This scheme was started in 1981 with an amount of2,500/, which was revised in May 2007 to Rs 20,000/- .


    The aim of this scheme is to provide financial assistance for repair of house to an orphaned daughter of all ranks and 100% disabled ESM/widow up to the rank of Havildar/equiv whose house has been damaged in natural calamity.

    Financial Assistance

    For the House Repair out of AFFDF is provided at a rate of Rs.20,000/- (max) to orphan daughter of all ranks 100% disabled ESM/widow of ESM upto the rank of Havildar / equivalent whose house is damaged by natural calamity.( payable in one installment).

    Eligibility Conditions

    The following criteria must be fulfilled:-

        (a) Applicant must be an orphan daughter of all ranks.
        (b) Should be 100% disabled ESM/widow upto the rank of Havildar/equivalent.
        (c) House should have been damaged as result of a natural calamity notified by the Centre/State Govts only.
        (d) Should be recommended by respective Zila Sainik Board (ZSB) and Rajya SainikBoard (RSB).


    Application should be made on prescribed format with recommendation of respective ZSWO on it. A specimen application format is placed at Annexure 1. Copies of following documents duly attested by ZSWO must accompany the application:-

        (a) Service Discharge Certificate/Book.
        (b) House Ownership Certificate.
        (c) Certificate from the State Govt/Revenue officials regarding cause of damage and estimated loss.
        (d) Notification issued by the Central or State Govt declaring that the damage is due to a natural calamity.
        (e) 100% Disability Certificate (for ESM/widow).
        (f) Death Certificate of parents (for orphaned daughter).
        (g) A certificate from applicant that he/she has not received any compensation or aid from the Govt for the damage.
        (h) Details of Bank A/c No (in PNB/SBI only) and IFS Code.

    Channel of Application

    The application must be submitted by eligible orphan daughter orESM / widow at his or her respective ZSB. ZSWO will scrutinize the application and If found correct in all respects, will it forward (hard copy as well as in digital format) to concern RSB. If found meeting QRs, RSB will forward it to the KSB Sectt for payment.

    Processing at KSB

    On receipt in the Welfare Section at KSB Sectt, the applications will be filed in order of their receipt. The Section-in-Charge will assign these applications to a particular clerk to enter/check relevant data from the applications onto computer. Another clerk will be designated to check correctness of the entries. The Section-in-Charge will also verify the same and put up printed list to Jt Dir (Welfare). Such applications pertaining to AFFDF will be moved for sanction of the Competent Authority in one lot, preferably on a quarterly basis.

    Payment Procedure

    After approval of Competent Authority, the applications will be processed for making payments. After verifying the ESM's service number, name, bank account no, bank's IFS Code and address, the Welfare Section will forward the approved list to Accounts Section to make the payments directly via ECS.

    Forms Download

    Annexure 1


    Financial assistance for medical treatment of ESM

    All the pensioners of Armed Forces have been provided medical cover compulsorily under ECHS wef 01 Apr 2008. However, non-pensioner ESM who were sent out of services early in their life due to organizational constraints or discharged at their own request have no such medical cover. With ever increasing costs of health care, it becomes extremely difficult for non-pensioner ESM to combat diseases especially in old age. At such age, medical expenses push such ESM into a state of poverty and loss of dignity. The scheme to provide financial assistance to non-pensioners, who are without any other sources of income and in state of penury,was started in year 1981 with an amount depending upon nature and gravity of ailment. This was last revised in May 2007 with onetime grant of Rs 30,000/-.


    The aim of this aid gratis is to provide financial assistance to non-pensioner ESM or their widow to meet routine medical expenses during the year.

    Financial Assistance

    For the medical treatment out of AFFDF is provided up to a maximum of Rs.30,000/- per year per eligible ESM/widow, in a financial year. The expenditure incurred on treatment of various serious ailments is covered under a separate scheme.

    Eligibility Conditions

    The following criteria must be fulfilled:-

        (a) Applicant must be a non-pensioner ESM or his widow.
        (b) Should be of rank Havildar/equivalent and below.
        (c) Should be recommended by respective Zila Sainik Board (ZSB).
        (d) Expenditure must be incurred at recognized government hospitals at rates approved under CGHS/ ECHS.


    Application should be made in prescribed format with recommendation of ZilaSainik Welfare Officer (ZSWO) on it. A specimen application form is placed at Annexure 1. Copies of following documents duly attested by ZSWO must accompany the application:-

        (a) Discharge book/documents.
        (b) I-Card issued by ZSB is must both for ESM & widows.
        (c) Original medical bills countersigned by the attending doctor.
        (d) Hospital discharge summary countersigned by attending doctor.
        (e) A certificate from the applicant stating that he/she has not taken any money/grant from the State or present employer in the form of reimbursement or medical allowance.
        (f) Details of Bank A/c No (in PNB/SBI only) and IFS Code.

    Channel of Application

    The application must be submitted by an eligible ESM/widow at respective ZSB. ZSWO will scrutinize the application and If found correct, will forward all such applications (hard and soft copies) on a monthly basis to the KSB Sectt for processing.

    Processing at KSB Sectt

    On receipt in Welfare Section at KSB Sectt, the applications will be filed in order of receipt. The Section-in-Charge will assign these applications to a particular clerk to enter/check relevant data from the applications on computer. Another clerk will be designated to check correctness of the entries. The Section-in-Charge will verify the same and put up the printed list for approval of Jt Dir (Welfare). Such applications pertaining to AFFDF will be moved for sanction of competent authority in one lot, preferably on a quarterly basis.

    Payment Procedure

    After approval of the applications, list of the approved cases will be verified by the Welfare Section for payment. After verifying the service no, name, bank's IFS Code and Account number of beneficiaries, the Welfare Section will forward the approved list to the Accounts Section for payments, which will make the payments directly to the beneficiaries via ECS or by an account payee cheque.

    Subsequent Grant

    An applicant may apply for the medical grant again during the same year subject to the ceiling of Rs 30,000/- maximum in a financial year.

    Forms Download

    Annexure 1


    This scheme provides financial assistance to Pensioner/Non-Pensioner Ex-Servicemen (ESM) up to the rank of Havildar or equivalent in the Navy/Air Force. The scheme was started in way back in the year 1981 with an amount of Rs 3,000/- per daughter. This was revised in May 2007 to Rs 16,000/- per head and applicable up to two daughters.


    The aim of this aid gratis is to provide financial assistance to ESM or widows up to the rank of Havildar for marriage of their daughters.

    Financial Assistance

    Paid out of AFFDF is provided for marriage of daughters of an eligible ESM or widow and remarriage of widows, at a rate of Rs.16,000/- per daughter (maximum two).

    Eligibility Conditions

    The following criteria must be fulfilled:-

        (a) Applicant must be an ESM or his widow.
        (b) Should be of rank Havildar & below.
        (c) The daughter should be above 18 years of age.
        (d) Should be recommended by respective ZSB.
        (e) Should not have obtained any financial grant for this purpose from State/Service.


    Application should be made on the prescribed application form with the recommendation of respective Zila Sainik Welfare Officer (ZSWO) on it. A specimen application form is placed at Annexure 1. Copies of the following documents duly attested by respective ZSWO must accompany the application:-

        (a) Discharge Book/Document (must have entry regarding daughter).
        (b) Proof of Age of the daughter.
        (c) Proof of Marriage - Certificate from Registrar/Village Sarpanch.
        (d) A Certificate from Applicant that he/she has not taken any money / assistance / grant from respective State Govt / Services towards the daughter's marriage.
        (e) Details of Bank A/c No (in PNB/SBI only) and IFS Code.

    Channel of Application

    The application must be submitted by eligible ESM/widow sat the respective ZSB immediately on solemnization of the marriage. ZSWO will scrutinize the application and if found correct, it will forward (hard as well as soft copies) along with supporting documents on a monthly basis to the KSB Sectt for payment. The old cases of this scheme will not be entertained.

    Processing at KSB Sectt

    On receipt in the Welfare Section at KBS Sectt, application will be processed in order of receipt. The Section-in-Charge will assign these applications to a particular clerk, who will enter desired data from the applications onto computer. Another clerk will be designated to check correctness of the entries. The Section-in-Charge will verify the same and put up the printed list of eligible applicants to JD(Welfare). Such applications pertaining to AFFDF will be moved for sanction of the competent authority in one lot preferably on a quarterly basis.

    Payment Procedure

    After approval of the cases, the approved cases will be processed for payment by the Welfare Section. After verifying the service number, name, bankers, account number and IFS Code, the Welfare Section will forward the batch-list to the Accounts Section for online payment, who will make the payment directly to the beneficiaries via ECS or by an account payee cheque as applicable.

    Subsequent Grant

    Fresh application is required to be made for marriage grant for second daughter (if any) as per the above procedure and timeline.

    Download Forms



    The Ex-Servicemen (ESM), like all men in society, are also prone to misfortunes. In an unfortunate event of his child born deformed or later disabled due to accident /natural causes / disease, his capacity to deal with the misery is comparatively lower than the others in the society. In such a scenario, it is the responsibility of the organization to assist ESM in looking after his disabled child and provide them some help to resettle in life. The scheme to provide financial assistance to those ESM who are without any other source of income and in a state of penury, was started in 2007 with an amount of Rs 500/- per month. This rate was last revised on file in Oct 2011 with an amount of Rs 1,000/- per month.


    The aim of this aid gratis is to provide a small measure of relief to 100% disabled children of ESM.

    Financial Assistance

    For the disabled child out of AFFD Fund will be provided at a rate of Rs.1000/- per month payable on monthly basis during the financial year.

    Eligibility Conditions

    The following criteria must be fulfilled:-

        ((a) Child must be a legitimate offspring of ESM/Widow.
        (b) ESM should be of the rank of Havildar/equiv of the Navy/Air Force and below.
        (c) The child should be 100% disabled.
        (d) Should not be in receipt of any disability benefit from any official agency.
        (e) Should be recommended by respective Zila Sainik Board (ZSB).


    Application should be made on the prescribed application form with recommendation of Zila Sainik Welfare Officer (ZSWO) on it. A specimen application form is placed at Annexure 1 to this page. Copies of the following documents duly attested by ZSWO must accompany the application:-

        (a) Photocopy of Discharge Book (must have entry regarding child).
        (b) ESM and Dependent Identity Card issued by ZSB.
        (c) 100% disability certificate issued by Military / Govt hospital.
        (d) Details of Bank A/c No (in PNB/SBI only) and IFS Code.

    Channel of Application

    The application must be submitted by an eligible ESM / widow athis or her respective ZSB by 31st Dec of the year. The ZSWO will scrutinize the application and if found correct in all respects will forward (a hard copy as well as in digital format) it through his RSB to KSB by 31st Jan of the year for further processing and the case to be considered in the current financial year.

    Processing at KSB Sectt

    On receipt in the Welfare Section, the AFFDF applications will be filed in order of receipt in batches of 200 each. The Section-in-Charge will assign this file to a particular clerk who will enter the desired data from applications onto the computer. Another clerk will be designated to check correctness of the entries. The Section-in-Charge will verify the same and put up the printed list for approval of JD(Welfare). Such applications pertaining to AFFDF will be moved for sanction of the competent authority in one lot, preferably on quarterly basis.

    Payment Procedure

    After the application has been approved, the same will be processed for payment in batches of 200 applications by the Welfare Section. After verifying the service number, name, bankers, IFS Code and account number, the Welfare Section will forward the batch list to Accounts Section for payment, which will make the payment directly via ECS or by an account payee cheque.

    Subsequent Grant

    Disabled Child Grant, once approved, stands for the duration of eligibility. However, every year a "Life Certificate” (as per the format attached) and "DisabilityCertificate” on the Govt prescribed format, need to be submitted through the respective ZSB by 15Jan for the grant to be continued in the next financial year. All the cases of renewal will be put upto JD (Welfare) by 01 Mar, who will in turn obtain the sanction of the Secy, KSB for continuation of the financial assistance during next financial year.

    The financial assistance is non-transferable and will cease automatically upon death of the beneficiary. It is the responsibility of ZSB to inform KSB Sectt regarding death of a beneficiary.

    Download Forms

        Annexure- 1    

        Annexure- 2


    Financial Assistance for Education of Children/Widows of ESM

    This scheme to provide financial assistance to ESM and their widows for helping them in educating their wards was started in 1981 with an amount of Rs 15/- per child per month for a maximum of three children up to Class XII. This scheme was last revised in Oct 2011 into a monthly grant of Rs 1000/- per month per child (for maximum two children) up to graduation and also for widows to pursue Post Graduation degree.


    Aim of this scheme is to provide scholarship to up to a maximum of two dependent children of ESM or their widows, up to the ranks of Havildar in the Army and equivalent in the Navy and Air Force, and to widows for post graduation degree course.

    Financial Assistance

    For education is provided out of AFFD Fund @ Rs.1000/- per month per head (up to max two children) of eligible ESM and their widows, for the previous academic year, payable in one installment in a financial year. This is applicable for classes 1 to 12 of school and undergraduate classes of a degree college. This grant is also admissible to widows who wish to pursue 2-year post graduate degree. This grant is not applicable for any of the professional or technical courses/degrees.

    Eligibility Conditions

    The following criteria must be fulfilled to avail this grant:-

        (a) Applicant must be an ESM/ widow/Orphan dependent.
        (b) Should be of rank Havildar/equivalent and below.
        (c) The child should have passed the previous class.
        (d) Should be recommended by respective Zila Sainik Board (ZSB).
        (e) Should not be drawing education allowance from the State or his Employer.

    Application Form

    Application should be made on the prescribed application form with recommendation of concerned Zila Sainik Welfare Officer (ZSWO) on it. A specimen application form is placed as Annexure 1. Copies of the following documents duly attested by the respective ZSWO must accompany the application:-

        (a) Complete Discharge Book/Documents.
        (b) ESM or Widow I-Card issued by respective ZSB.
        (c) Mark-sheet / School Progress Card of child/children.
        (d) Part –II Order mentioning names of the child(ren) for which grant is sought or the reshould be a proper entry to this effect in the Discharge Book/Documents.
        (e) A certificate from applicant saying that he/she has not taken any money/grant from the state or present employer in the form of education allowance or scholarship.
        (f) Details of Bank A/c No (in PNB/SBI only) and IFS Code.
        (g) Aadhar Card copy.

    Channel of Application

    The application for the just concluded academic year must be submitted by an eligible ESM / their widows to respective ZSB in the month of May for non-board classes, in Jul for the board classes 10th & 12th and in Aug for under-graduate course students. ZSWO will scrutinize the applications and if found correct, will forward (hard copy and its requisite data in digital form) directly to the KSB Sectt by 31 July, 30 Sep and 31 Oct respectively for payment in the current financial year.Old cases will not be accepted.

    Processing at KSB

    On receipt at the KSB Sectt, the applications will be filed in order of receipt. The Section-in-Charge will assign them file to the designated clerk who will enter/check data of the applications into computer. Another clerk will be designated to check correctness of the entries and eligibility of applicants. Section-in-Charge will also check the same and put up toJD(Welfare). Such applications in a lot pertaining to AFFDF will be moved for approval of the competent authority preferably on a quarterly basis.

    Payment Procedure

    After approval of the applications, the same will be processed for payment by the Welfare Section. After verifying the service number, name, bankers, IFS Code and account number of the applicants, Welfare Section will forward the approved list to the Accounts Section for payments, which will release the payments via ECS to the beneficiaries.

    Subsequent Grant

    Fresh application is required to be made for all the subsequent academic years provided the child(ren) has/have satisfactorily advanced to the next class.Subsequent application should also be submitted through ZSB in the month of May. ZSB will forward all the applications to KSB Sectt by 31 July (and 30 Sep for the college students) each year for consideration in the current financial year.

    Jt Dir (Welfare) will put up the list of approved applicants and their payment status whenever made on to the website (

    Download Forms


    Service Pension


    Service Pension is a pension, which is sanctioned to a P.B.O.R. on Completion of his terms of engagement for the qualifying service Rendered by him in the Armed Forces.


    1. Minimum qualifying service without weightage to earn a Service pension is 15 years (20 years in case of NC (E))

    2. Linkage of full pension with 33 years of Q.S. is dispensed with from 01.01.2006.
    Now pension of PBOR will be calculated at rate of 50% of emoluments last drawn
    or average of reckonable emoluments drawn during last 10 months which is more beneficial.
    Authority : G.O.I. letter no 17(4)/2008 (2)/D(Pen/Pol) dated 12/11/2008.

    3. The above calculated service pension shall in no case less than 50% of notional pay in the post – 01.01.2006 revised pay structure corresponding to the maximum of Fifth CPC pay scales including whole of classification allowance last drawn in the rank and group held of the time of discharge / invalidment. The amount so determined will be the pension for 33 years of reckonable qualifying service including improved weightage (except TA personnel) as given below at point IV. For lesser period of reckonable qualifying service this amount will be proportionately reduced.

    4. After 01.01.06 with the implementation of the order on “Improvement in the Pension of PBOR” the weightage in respect of Sepoy, Naik and Havildar has been raised to 10 years, 8 years and 6 years respectively (for all past and future retirees.) subject to a restriction of 30 years as maximum qualifying service. The benefit would be given only in respect of Service Pension.

    5. The amount of pension finally arrived at will be subject to a minimum of Rs. 3500/- per month.
    Authority : G.O.I. letter no 14(3)/2004-D(Pen/Sers)/Vol.III dated 01/02/2006 and 02/05/2006. The service pension in respect of PBOR for 33 years of qualifying service is calculated at 50% of the maximum of the scale of pay, including 50% of the highest classification allowance, if any, of the rank/pay group actually held continuously for 10 months (or maximum period of 10 months) before the date of discharge subject to minimum of Rs.1275/- p.m.(Rs.1913/- pm after merger of DP)

    TA Personnel

    No service pension in respect of TA Personnel was admissible prior to 11-06-1985. Minimum qualifying embodied service to earn service pension in respect of TA Personnel is 15 years . 5% cut is imposed on the pension who have completed 15 years or more aggregate embodied service but have not completed 20 years of aggregate embodied service. In no case the pension so calculated should exceed the normal pension of a regular Army personnel for same rank and length of service.

    At Own Request

    No service pension is admissible if the individual is discharged at his own request, if the qualifying service is less than 15 years. In case qualifying service rendered is 15 years or more, Service Pension is admissible for the rank and group and qualifying service rendered as in case of those who discharged on completion of terms of engagement.

    On Dismissal

    Service pension is not admissible if the individual is dismissed from service under Army Act. However, service pension is such cases is admissible at the discretion of the President not exceeding the rate which would have been admissible had he been discharged in normal circumstances.

    Important web sites

    At many places in this website, you shall find links to other websites/portals. This links have been placed for your convenience. AFVATN is not responsible for the contents and reliability of the linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in them. Mere presence of the link or its listing on this website should not be assumed as endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all the time and we have no control over availability of linked pages.

    Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare

    Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare, Tamil Nadu Govt

    Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare

    Ministry of Defence

    Naval Pay Office

    Directorate of Air Veterans (DAV

    Indian Army Veterans Portal

    Pensioners' Portal

    PCDA (O) Pune

    Indian Air Force Benevolent Association (IAFBA)

    GOI Web Directory

    Canteen Stores Department

    DGR-CII Collaborated Job Portal


    PCDA Pensions

    Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA)

    Directorate General Resettlement

    Central Pension Accounting Office

    Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS)

    Indian Naval Placement Agency

    Join Indian Army

    Join Indian Navy / Recruitment

    Career Airforce

    Indian Army

    Indian Air Force

    Indian Navy

    Navy Education Society

    AFT List of Judgements

    RTI Online (Online filing of RTI)

    Holiday Homes (Guest House Booking)

    Write to the Prime Minister

    ECHS Claims Status

    Pension Portal - CGDA

    Air Force Association



    Regarding Revision of pension as per 7th CPC- Notional  fixation / concordance  Tables –CDA cir 608, the particulars  like Rank, Group and qualifying service is required.

    Now it is understood from Banks  as well as Record Offices  that , the data's are incomplete  for many veterans and families.

    Hence, Record offices could not provide the required particulars to PCDA for issuing  revised PPO ( e PPO) .

    This is reflected in  the latest CDA cir 617  dt 6-2-2019.

    All veterans and families are advised to send your full particulars as per the given format to your Respective Record Office immediately for early revision of Notional fixation of pension..

    6th CPC Pension Revision – Order for Post 01.01.2006 JCOs/ORs granted Honorary Commission as Lieutenant and Captain



    Government of India/Bharat Sarkar

    Ministry of Defence

    Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare


    Dated 6th February 2019


    The Chief of the Army Staff

    The Chief of the Navil Staff

    The Chief of the Air Staff


    Subject : Implementation of the Government decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission – Pension of Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) discharged from service on or after 01.01.2006.


    The undersigned is directed to refer to the provisions contained in this Ministry’s letter No.17(4)/08(2)/D(Pen/Policy) dated 18.08.2010 as amended vide this Ministry’s letter No.17(4)/2008/D(Pen/Policy) dated 20.09.2012 under which a note below Para 3(v) of the ibid MoD letter dated 18.08.2010 was inserted regarding non-applicability of provisions of letter dated 18.08.2010 to JCOs granted Honorary Commission as Leiutenant and Captain.


    2. Further, in supersession of the provision contained in this Ministry’s letter No.17(4)/2008(2)/D(Pen/Policy) dated 20.09.2012, letter No.1(15)/2012/D(Pen/Policy) dated 17.01.2013 was issued under which it was decided that the provisions of MoD letter dated 18.08.2010 are also applicable to post 01.01.2006 JCOs/Ors granted Honorary Commission as Lieutenant and Captain with effect from 24.09.2012.


    3. The President is now pleased to decide that provisions of this Ministry’s letter dated 18.08.2010 shall also be applicable to post 01.01.2006 JCOs/ORs granted Honorary Commission as Lieutenant and Captain. The notional pay in the revised pay structure for these ranks shall be worked out by adding pay in the revised pay band corresponding to the Fixed pay of Fifth CPC (in terms of Para 9(a) (i) of SAI 1/S/2008 as amended and equivalent instructions for Navy & Air Force)” plus the Grade pay and Military Service Pay introduced under Sixth CPC revised pay structure.


    4. In view of the above, the note below Para 3(v) of this Ministry’s letter No. 17(4)/08(2)/D(Pen/Policy) dated 18.08.2010 inserted vide this Ministry’s letter No. 17(4)/2008(2)/D(Pen/Policy) dated 20.09.2012 may be considered as deleted.


    5. The financial benefit in past cases shall be granted from 01.01.2006 or date of discharge/invalidment, whichever is later. In this regard, concerned PSA’s would suo-moto issue Corr PPO based on the data of post 2006 retired Hony Commissioned Officers held with them.


    6. All other terms and conditions shall remain unchanged.

    PM Narendra Modi inaugurates National War Memorial

    The PM dedicated the memorial by lighting the flame positioned at the bottom of the stone-made obelisk. Rose petals were showered by IAF helicopters and a fly-past in 'Missing Man' formation was also part of the event.

    Spread over 40 acres in the India Gate complex, the memorial has been executed at a cost of Rs 176 crore and its design was selected through a global competition.

    The central part of the sprawling complex has been built in a sunken plot as the design had to respect the heritage look of the India Gate's Central Vista, officials said.

    The names of 25,942 battle casualties have been inscribed across 16 walls that consist of granite pieces bearing the name, rank and regiment of the fallen heroes, the officials said, adding that it was built between February last year and this February in "record time"

    Besides, the main complex, a Param Yoddha Sthal has also been built on the northern side of the India Gate's C-Hexagon area. The park is dotted with bronze busts of the 21 awardees, fifteen posthumously, of the Param Veer Chakra, country's highest wartime gallantry medal.

    The India Gate itself is a war memorial built during the British Raj as the All India War Memorial Arch to honour the soldiers who died in the First World War (1914-1918) and the Third Anglo-Afghan War (1919). The landmark has the names of soldiers inscribed on its surface.

    Assured Decent Last Rites Scheme (ADLRS)

    Assured Decent Last Rites Scheme (ADLRS) was launched in May 2006 to provide all willing veterans a honourable funeral as a befitting tribute/farewell from the Army during their last journey. This scheme is an endeavour by the Indian Armed Forces to ensure that the veterans get an honourable funeral and a befitting farewell from the Defence Services during their “last journey”. In a well-knit Indian society, the need for an outside agency to conduct the desired rituals and provide financial assistance for performing the last rites may just not arise. But instances are there where the family/society fails to live up to the situation. It is here, that the Army as an organization needs to step in, in recognition of the services rendered and to further boost the morals of the veterans, by conveying the message that the Army is there to look after them till the end.


    The basic thematic consideration behind this scheme is that it is our moral obligation to ensure decent last rites to the veterans who were once our comrade-in-arms. The concept in nutshell entails having an organization for ADLR Scheme at each CSD Canteen where veterans are attached. On intimation of the demise of a veteran, the field staff will move to his residence, contact his family members and provide ‘on the spot’ assistance required by the family and where situation demands, will organize the last rites themselves. They will also inform other veterans of the area, the time and place of last rites. The field staff will assist the family in organizing a decent funeral and lay a wreath on behalf of the Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) where possible. Depending on the status of the deceased, the Welfare Officer will organize a befitting farewell by raising the level to the Station Commander. The scheme will, primarily be, financed and executed by the CSD Canteen on which the deceased veteran was last dependent.

    Guidelines And Procedural Aspects

    Eligibility. All willing veterans including officers, JCO’s and OR and their widows irrespective of service (Army/Navy/ Airforce/Assam Rifles) holding valid canteen cards and are dependent on the Army run CSD Canteen will be eligible for ADLR Scheme. The Army veterans, who are dependent on Air Force, Navy CSD Canteen and are willing to the said scheme, may be advised to get themselves registered with the nearest Army run canteens so as to avail of the benefit.

    A grant of upto Rs 10000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) will be paid soonest on receipt of information of the death of the veteran/ receipt of the death certificate within one year to the next of kin for assisting in organizing decent and honourable last rites of the veteran. In the absence of next of kin (NOK) or on the request of the family the responsibility of organizing the last rites will be taken on by the field staff.

    For more effective implementation, the NOK/dependent/relatives of the deceased will contact Army Est/Unit located in the close proximity and the amount will be paid by the unit to the NOK. The said amount will be re-imbursed to the unit from the dependent URC of the veteran.

    If the death of the veterans occur at a station, which is different from that of dependent canteen, or the veteran not being registered with a local canteen then following to be implemented:-

    If a veteran passes away in a different station, he will be paid ADLRS amt by the nearest canteen. This amt can be claimed from the dependent canteen of veteran later on.

    In case a veteran is not registered with Canteen for ADLRS, he will be paid ADLRS amt by the nearest Stn HQ.

    Process for Claiming ADLR

    The following Documents would be required to be submitted by the next of kin of the deceased veteran to the dependent CSD for claiming ADLRS

    Death Certificate                                                                        – 02 Copies

    Identity Card of Card Holder                                                   – 02 Copies

    Identity Card of Next of Kin                                                     – 02 Copies

    Passport Size photograph of Next of Kin                              – 03 Copies

    NOK Registration form(Click Here to Download             – 02 Copies

    Photocopy of front page of Bank Passbook                          – 02 Copies

    Cancelled Cheque leaf showing IFSC and MICR of Bank     – 01 Copy

    Disclaimer: The above are only guidelines, for actual process contact Dependent CSD Canteen/Veterans Cell or visit Indian Army Veterans Portal by clicking here


    The scheme to provide financial assistance to non-pensioner Ex-Servicemen (ESM) in a state of penury was started in year 1981 with an amount of Rs 100/- per month for a period of two years. Thereafter, it was increased to Rs 500/-pm for two years in 2007 and then changed into onetime grant of Rs 30,000/- for life-time. This was revised by the Management Committee of AFFD Fund in Oct 2011 and revised the onetime grant into a monthly grant of Rs 1,000/-.
    The aim of this aid gratis is to provide a small measure of relief from total penury to a non-pensioner ESM up to rank of Hav/equivalent and their widow.
    Financial Assistance
    For Penury is provided at the rate of Rs.1000/- per month per head for life time from AFFD Fund.
    Eligibility Conditions
    The eligibility criteria are to be met to avail financial assistance under this scheme are as follows:-
        (a) Must be a non-pensioner ESM or his widow.
        (b) Should be of rank Havildar/equivalent from the Navy/AF and below.
        (c) Should be above age of 65 years.
        (d) Should be recommended by respective ZSB and RSB.
        (e) Details of bank account (in SBI/PNB only) and IFS Code.
    Application Form
    Application should be made in given form with recommendation of respective ZSWO & Secretary, RSB on it. A specimen form is enclosed. Copies of the following documents duly attested by ZSWO must accompany the application:-
        (a) Service Document/Discharge Book of ESM.
        (b) Age proof, if date of birth not given in the Service Document/Discharge Book.
        (c) Identity Card of ESM/Widows issued by ZSB.
        (d) Details of Bank A/c No (in PNB/SBI only) and IFS Code.
    Channel of Application
    Applications are required to be submitted by eligible ESM/widows at respective ZSB by 31 Mar or 30 Sep each year. ZSWO will scrutinize these applications and if found in order, forward them with soft copy of their data to concerned RSB. If found meeting QRs, RSB will forward all these applications by last day of the following month to the KSB Sectt for processing.
    Processing of Applications
    On receipt of applications at the KSB Sectt, these shall be processed by its Welfare Section in order of the date of their receipt. Such applications pertaining to AFFD Fund will be moved for approval of Competent Authority in one lot preferably on a quarterly basis.
    Payment Procedure
    After approval of the applications by the Competent Authority, the same will be processed for payment in batches of 200 applications by the Section. After verification of data, the Welfare Section will forward the batch list to the Accounts Section for making payments via ECS . The Jt Dir (Welfare) will display payment status of the approved applications on website(
    Subsequent Grant
    The Penury Grant, once approved by the Competent Authority, stands for life of the approved non-pensioner ESM or the widow. No fresh application will be required thereafter, however beneficiary must submit a 'life certificate' through respective ZSB once a year in the month of December for release penury grant in the following financial year. A specimen form of 'Life Certificate' is placed at Annexure 2 to this document. ZSWO will forward all such Life Certificates in one lot to KSB Sectt, by the following 15 January each year. All the cases of renewal will be put up to JD (Welfare) by 01 Mar, who will in turn obtain approval of Secy,KSB for continuation of the penury grant during next financial year. It may be noted that the financial assistance is non-transferable and will cease automatically upon death of the ESM or widow. It is the responsibility of respective ZSWO to inform the KSB Sectt regarding death of the beneficiary ESM/widow.
    Download Forms


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    Web Moderator: Capt KS Ramaswamy (Retd)

