

  • Saturday, 9 March 2019

    Letter to RM

    Dated:  07 Mar 2019

    Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman                                                                                                                                                           Hon’ble Raksha Mantri                                                                                                                                                                  104, South Block, New Delhi-110011


    Hon’ble Raksha Mantri,

    1.        Please refer our letter dated 05 Mar 2019 (copy attached).

    2.       During your address to Ex Servicemen, you had touched upon a few important issues of defence personnel ie OROP and minimum pension.

    3.       May I request you for clarification necessary on the above issues as per succeeding paragraphs:-


    OROP.  You had stated that the review of OROP will be carried out after three years and the same will be done this year.  If the Govt had decided equalization of pension every three year, then the review is due with effect from 01 Jul 2017.  In that case the Govt Notification needs to be issued to execute equalization of pension of defence personnel with effect from 01 Jul 2017.  If it is carried out this year i.e. 01 Jul 2019,  the equalization of pension would be after five years and not three years as stated by you, since OROP was granted by your Govt with effect from 01 Jul 2014 vide Govt Notification dated 07 Nov 2015.  This important issue needs to be clarified.  May I request you for early clarification please?


    Minimum Pension of Rs 18000/-pm.  During your address, you had stated that the minimum pension which is Rs 10,000/pm as of now will be increased to Rs 18,000/-pm.  As per the existing order, minimum pension is  Rs 9,000+DA.  Will the pension of widows and reservists be increased to Rs 18000/-pm + DA as stated by you?  If it is so, it is very welcome decision by your Govt.  Defence widows and reservists are the most effected pensioners of def family.  May I request for your consideration and early clarification please.

    3.       May I also request you for meeting for half an hours of three members of Indian ex servicemen (IESM) at your earliest please.

    With regards,
    Yours Sincerely,

    Maj Gen Satbir Singh, SM (Retd)
    Advisor United Front of Ex Servicemen &
    Chairman Indian Ex-Servicemen Movement (IESM)
    Mobile: 9312404269, 01244110570

    Armed Forces Pensioners 7th CPC Pension Concordance Table 2018

    Armed Forces Pensioners 7th CPC Pension Concordance Table 2018

    Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare has issued Concordance table 2018 for revision of Pension for pre 2016 Armed Forces Pensioners and Family Pensioners

    No. 17(1)/2017 (02)/D(Pension/Policy)
    Government of India
    Ministry of Defence
    Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare,

    New Delhi, dated: 17th October, 2018

    The Chief of the Army Staff
    The Chief of the Naval Staff
    The Chief of the Air Staff

    Sub: Revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/ family pensioners in implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission Concordance tables- regarding.


    The undersigned is directed to convey that instructions were issued for revision of pension/family pension with effect from 1.1.2016 in respect of Armed Force pensioners/ family pensioners who retired/ died prior to 1.1.2016 vide this Ministry’s letter No. 17(01)/2017(02)/ D(Pension/Policy) dated 5.9.2017. As per the same, revision of pension for pre-2016 Armed Force pensioners/ family pensioners under first formulation, was to be done by notionally fixing their pay in the pay matrix recommended by the 7th Central Pay Commission in the level corresponding to the pay in the pay scale/ pay band and grade pay at which they retired/died. The notional pay fixation in 7th CPC pay matrix has to be arrived by fixing pay under each intervening Pay Commission based on the formula for revision of pay. The revised rates of Military Service Pay, Non Practicing Allowance, where applicable, and X! Group pay & Classification Allowance for JCO/ORs, if applicable, notified in terms of 7th CPC orders, shall also be added to the amount of pay notionally arrived at under the 7th CPC pay matrix and shall be termed as notional reckonable emolument as on 1.1.2016 for determining the revised pension/family pension in terms of para 5 of this Ministry’s letter dated 5.9.2017.

    2. Based on past instructions on fixation of pay in various pay commissions, concordance tables for fixation of notional pay for Armed Force personnel who retired/died in various ranks during the 4th, 5th and 6th Pay Commission periods including 3rd Pay Commission for Sailors only) have been prepared and the same are enclosed herewith. In the case of commissioned officers who retired/ died in harness before 1.1.1986, these concordance tables may be used based on their notional pay as on 1.1.1986, which was fixed in accordance with this Ministry’s letter No 1(3)/98/D(Pen/Policy) dated 27.5.1998. Concordance tables for JCO/ORs who discharged/ died in service prior to 1.1.1986 (prior to 1.1.1973 for Sailors), are under preparation and shall be issued separately.

    3. These concordance tables have been prepared to facilitate fixation of notional pay of pre-2016 pensioners/ family pensioners by the concerned Record Offices and attached Pay Account Offices in case of JCO/ORs of the three Services and PCDA(0) Pune/ Naval Pay Office, Mumbai / AFCAO New Delhi in case of commissioned officers of Army / Navy / Air Force respectively. Due care has been taken to prepare these concordance tables based on the fitment tables for fixation of pay from 3rd to 4th (only for Sailors), 4th to 5th, 5th to 6th and 6th to 7th Pay Commission. In case of any inconsistency in the concordance tables vis-a-vis the relevant rules instructions, the notional pay and pension family pension of pre-2016 pensioners / family pensioners may be fixed in accordance with the rules / instructions applicable for fixation of pay in the intervening Pay Commission periods.

    4. The pension / family pension of pre-2016 Armed Forces pensioners/ family pensioners may be revised, using the appropriate concordance table in accordance with the instructions contained in this Ministry’s above quoted letter dated 5.9.2017.

    5. This issues with concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance/Pension) vide their UO No. Part.file 1 to 30(01)/2016/Fin/Pen dated 27.09.2018.

    6.Hindi version will follow.

    Yours faithfully,
    (Manoj Sinha)
    Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

    Cabinet approves setting up of 50 new Kendriya Vidyalayas under Civil/Defence Sector

    Cabinet approves setting up of 50 new Kendriya Vidyalayas under Civil/Defence Sector

    March 7, 2019

    Cabinet approves setting up of 50 new Kendriya Vidyalayas under Civil/Defence Sector all over the country

    The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the setting up of 50 new KendriyaVidyalayas under Civil/Defence Sector all over the country.

    The Vidyalayas are proposed to be opened in the Civil/Defense Sector and once they are fully functional they will provide quality education to approximately 50,000 students once they become fully operational.

    Consolidated list of 50 proposals recommended by the ‘Challenge Method’ Committee for opening of new Kendriya Vidyalayas

    ECHS : Referral procedure to empanelled hospitals for 64 KB cards holders and Format of Referral Form

    ECHS : Referral procedure to empanelled hospitals for 64 KB cards holders and Format of Referral Form

    ECHS : Referral procedure to empanelled hospitals for 64 KB cards holders,.

    Central Organisation ECHS

    Adjutant General's Branch 

    Integrated Headquarters of 

    MoD (Army), Thimayya Marg, 

    Near Gopinath Circle,

    Delhi Cantt- 110 010


    27 Feb 2019 

    All Regional  Centres





    1. The new 64 Kb Smart Cards have been collected by a number of ECHS beneficiaries and are now in use at various Polyclinics. The new hardware has already been issued to all the Polyclinics and are being installed  in  phased manner by the vendor. At present, installation of new equipment for all the Polyclinics under Regional Centre Delhi-I and Regional Centre Delhi-II is complete and functional. To ensure 64 Kb Cards holders get referral to the empanelled Hospitals through the new system, (where new hardware & software  has been installed) on online software solution has been implemented. The  detailed procedure  is given at succeeding Paragraphs.

    Action at the Polyclinic

    2. Action by the ESM  The ECHS beneficiaries on reaching the parent Polyclinic will register and select a Doctor to be consulted through the Kiosok/ iCAT and a token will be generated which will have a queue number.

    3. The ECHS beneficiary will report to the Doctor as per his token/ queue serial. Based on his medical condition either he will be disposed off at the polyclinic or he will be referred for further treatment to any Empanelled medical facilities, located within the area of responsibiliy of concernei:l Regional Centre (No hospital will be specified). He will be issued with a referral form which will have a Referral Number and basic details of the beneficiary. A sample Referral form is attached as Annexure I.

    4. Action by the OIC Polyclinic  The Referral Form will be digitally signed by the OIC, Parent Polyclinic,  hence, not required to be physically signed.

    Action at the Empanelled Hospital

    5. The ECHS beneficiary on reaching the Empanelled Hospital of his choice, within the area of responsibility of the Regional Centre will provide his referral form and his 64 Kb Card to the hospital. The Empanelled Hospital will access the UTI-ITSL site and feed the Referral Number. A Claim ID will be generated from the UTI-ITSL site and the Referral Number and Claim ID will get locked. The Referral Number,   now cannot be used at any other Empanelled Hospital.

    6. Referral to Empanelled Hospital outside the Area of Responsibility of the Regional Centre of the Parent Polyclinic The procedure to be adopted by ECHS beneficiary to take referral to an Empanelled Hospital outside the area of responsibility of Regional Centre of .parent polyclinic is given as under :-

    (a) He will  obtain a referral from his parent  polyclinic for the specified medical condition. (b) He will online identify the Empanelled Hospital where he wishes to take medical treatment. Based on the Hospital location he/she will identify polyclinic closest to the empanelled facility where treatment is desired. Visit the polyclinic and register on the Kiosk/iCat and select a Doctor and generate token & queue number. (c )   Meet the Doctor as per his queue number and take a referral. (d) The Doctor will enter the Referral Number in his module and an auto populated Referral Form will be displayed to the Doctor. The Doctor will generate the Referral and this will have new Referral Number and  the earlier Referral Number will become ineffective. (e) Consequent to the approval by the OIC polyclinic, a digitally signed printout will be generated with new Referral Number duly entered with the original (old Referral number,which is rendered ineffective)Referral Number. The earlier Referral Number will become ineffective. (f) The ECHS beneficiary will visit the chosen Empanelled Hospital and produce their Referral and the new 64 Kb Card. (g) The hospital will access the UTI-ITSL site and once the new Referral Number is entered a claim ID will be generated and both the Referral Number and claim ID will get blocked.  This Referral Number now cannot be used  at any other Empanelled  Hospital.

    Action incase where New Equipment  is Not Installed or is Non Functional

    7. In case where the new equipment has not been installed or is non functional, then the referral will be generated through the existing system.

    8. This information will be disseminated to all Polyclinics and displayed at prominent places for information  of ECHS beneficiaries.

    9. All Regional Centre, Directors to ensure this information is conveyed to the empanelled facilities under respective Regional Centres.


    (Rakesh Kakar) 

    Col (Retd)

    Jt Dir (Stats & Automation) 

    for Offg MD ECHS


    Click to view/download PDF



    No requirement of an NOC for the renewal / change of address in the Driving Licence

    No requirement of an NOC for the renewal / change of address in the Driving Licence

    No requirement of an NOC for the renewal / 

    change of address in the Driving Licence

    Government of india
    Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
    (MVL Section)
    Transport bhawan, 1, Parliament street, new Delhi-110001

    February 28, 2019

    1.The Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries, Department of Transport of all the states/Uts;
    2.The Transport Commissions of all the States/Ut Administrations

    Subject: No requirement of an NOC for the renewal/change of address in the Driving Licence

    The driving license issued by any licensing authority in any state is valid throughout India and the license-holders is authorized to drive the specified class or classes of vehicles as per the licence in terms of the provisions of the motor vehicles Act, 1988 or the or the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.

    2. The practice of obtaining an NOC from the previous licencing authority was followed primarily with a view to checking the authority of the licence,as to whether it was indeed issued/endorsed by the previous authority and that the licences was not linked with any offence. This practice came to be adapted initially when the Diving Licences were issued in manual mode/regime and also subsequently during the decentralized operations of earlier off-line software versions of SARATHI. Now, with the current version of SARATHI Wherein all Driving Licenses are issued following a IT based application system and the details are verifiable from the database in an on-line mode, there is no need for seeking an NOC for verification of such details as per the provisions of the aforesaid Act or Rules.

    3. It has been brought to the notice of this Ministry that many States are still sticking to the practice of obtaining NOC from the parent authority in both cases. i.e renewals and change of address of the driving licence. This not only caused disparity in the implementation process but has a potential of undue harassment to the applicant. In case, when a user moves from one place or State, which does not issue NOC to another place or State, which requires an NOC, the applications are rejected due to the lack of such NOC.

    4. The SARATHI database contains the information of the driving licences issued by the states. Accordingly, it is advised that whenever an application for renewal or transfer of address is reserved the concerned competent authority may check the particulars online available in the SARATHI database Further, the details can also be validated using e-challan mobile application. This approach would not require the citizens to visit or approach the original Licencing Authority for getting NOC.

    5. It is requested that all the Licensing Authorities be directed to stop forthwith and discontinue any old process of verification in manual mode and follow the online verification of the driving licenses for facilitation of the citizens

    Yours faithfully,
    (Ramandeep Chowdhary)
    Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
    Tele: 23710213

    Source: Confederation


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