

  • Monday, 4 March 2019

    Assured Decent Last Rites Scheme (ADLRS)

    Assured Decent Last Rites Scheme (ADLRS) was launched in May 2006 to provide all willing veterans a honourable funeral as a befitting tribute/farewell from the Army during their last journey. This scheme is an endeavour by the Indian Armed Forces to ensure that the veterans get an honourable funeral and a befitting farewell from the Defence Services during their “last journey”. In a well-knit Indian society, the need for an outside agency to conduct the desired rituals and provide financial assistance for performing the last rites may just not arise. But instances are there where the family/society fails to live up to the situation. It is here, that the Army as an organization needs to step in, in recognition of the services rendered and to further boost the morals of the veterans, by conveying the message that the Army is there to look after them till the end.


    The basic thematic consideration behind this scheme is that it is our moral obligation to ensure decent last rites to the veterans who were once our comrade-in-arms. The concept in nutshell entails having an organization for ADLR Scheme at each CSD Canteen where veterans are attached. On intimation of the demise of a veteran, the field staff will move to his residence, contact his family members and provide ‘on the spot’ assistance required by the family and where situation demands, will organize the last rites themselves. They will also inform other veterans of the area, the time and place of last rites. The field staff will assist the family in organizing a decent funeral and lay a wreath on behalf of the Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) where possible. Depending on the status of the deceased, the Welfare Officer will organize a befitting farewell by raising the level to the Station Commander. The scheme will, primarily be, financed and executed by the CSD Canteen on which the deceased veteran was last dependent.

    Guidelines And Procedural Aspects

    Eligibility. All willing veterans including officers, JCO’s and OR and their widows irrespective of service (Army/Navy/ Airforce/Assam Rifles) holding valid canteen cards and are dependent on the Army run CSD Canteen will be eligible for ADLR Scheme. The Army veterans, who are dependent on Air Force, Navy CSD Canteen and are willing to the said scheme, may be advised to get themselves registered with the nearest Army run canteens so as to avail of the benefit.

    A grant of upto Rs 10000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) will be paid soonest on receipt of information of the death of the veteran/ receipt of the death certificate within one year to the next of kin for assisting in organizing decent and honourable last rites of the veteran. In the absence of next of kin (NOK) or on the request of the family the responsibility of organizing the last rites will be taken on by the field staff.

    For more effective implementation, the NOK/dependent/relatives of the deceased will contact Army Est/Unit located in the close proximity and the amount will be paid by the unit to the NOK. The said amount will be re-imbursed to the unit from the dependent URC of the veteran.

    If the death of the veterans occur at a station, which is different from that of dependent canteen, or the veteran not being registered with a local canteen then following to be implemented:-

    If a veteran passes away in a different station, he will be paid ADLRS amt by the nearest canteen. This amt can be claimed from the dependent canteen of veteran later on.

    In case a veteran is not registered with Canteen for ADLRS, he will be paid ADLRS amt by the nearest Stn HQ.

    Process for Claiming ADLR

    The following Documents would be required to be submitted by the next of kin of the deceased veteran to the dependent CSD for claiming ADLRS

    Death Certificate                                                                        – 02 Copies

    Identity Card of Card Holder                                                   – 02 Copies

    Identity Card of Next of Kin                                                     – 02 Copies

    Passport Size photograph of Next of Kin                              – 03 Copies

    NOK Registration form(Click Here to Download             – 02 Copies

    Photocopy of front page of Bank Passbook                          – 02 Copies

    Cancelled Cheque leaf showing IFSC and MICR of Bank     – 01 Copy

    Disclaimer: The above are only guidelines, for actual process contact Dependent CSD Canteen/Veterans Cell or visit Indian Army Veterans Portal by clicking here

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